If you feel it... Dance it, Live it with
AsociaciÓn Cultural PerÚVive (ACPV)
Asociación Cultural- PerúVive (ACPV)
A cultural association which was officially created March 6, 2013 to create cultural awareness through comprehensive artistic education that fosters excellence in all forms of visual and performing arts to promote creativity, discipline, develop leadership, knowledge and outreach to the community.
Support ACPV
As we grow through experience and knowledge, our goal is to share this love and passion with communities throughout California. Find out how you can support this goal by going to our contact tab! It is with your support that we can push forward to provide classes at a very low rate (compared to market-rate), support other cultural influencers and groups or organizations in the cultural community, lend dancers all costumes at no charge, provide venues and resources and offer scholarships and assistance to those who need it; to be the future representatives of this moving art. There are many forms of Donation, not only financially. Become a sponsor; there are many students in need of costumes and accessories. Become a volunteer; Whether its wardrobe, backstage scenes, check-in's, etc. Find out how to become an active acpv member.
Lets share with the community the traditions and culture in South America, specifically Peru. Thank You to all our supporters and sponsers!
Logo Description
PeruVive's official Logo is a Pegasus which is described as a horse with wings!
In Peru horses are well known for dancing marinera; it's called "paso peruano" while the significance of a horse is power, grace and beauty, when you add its wings it represents freedom, independence and speed. All the attributes of which I hope to have as an ACPV family, the colors on our logo -red & white- obviously come from the colors on our Peruvian flag however white has a deeper meaning such as; purity, beginnings, vitality while the shades of red means hardiness and Valor. Those are a few values I hope for ACPV to gain, while adding a marinera norteña sombrero and cajon under the wing for all Peruvian folklore in general that we do in PeruVive.
Thank You for joining us and we look forward to humbly growing as a family while we strive to be better, one day at a time!
Fun Fact Mafrumba & Afrumba were created the summer of 2009